I’ve had a method that I’ve used from time to time to validate email addresses, trying to cater for the common problems that have been seen with addresses.  This weekend I had cause to look at it and thought there must be a better way of representing it all.

Couple of thoughts crossed my mind:

  1. I’m not throwing exceptions anywhere, and although I know the method, so use it as I’d expect, perhaps I should be throwing a FormatException? or some others?
  2. It’d be easy to make this an extension method, but I guess it’d be an extension to System.String, and doesn’t really feel right as it serves such a focussed purpose.
  3. Should I be doing any other checks in the code that I’m not already?

I’ll have a read around and look at refactoring, but thought I’d post it here so that I have a record of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ views.

/// /// 
public static string ValidateEmail(string email, out string error)
        error = "";

        // Pre-formatting steps
        email   = email.Trim().Replace(" ", "");
        email   = email.Replace(",", ".");                                              // mostly, commas are full stops gone wrong
        email   = (email.EndsWith(".")) ? email.Substring(0, email.Length-1) : email;   // kill any full stop at the end of an address
        email   = email.Replace(@"""", "");                                             // remove " in the email address
        email   = (email.StartsWith("'")) ? email.Substring(1) : email;                 // remove ' at the start of the address
        email   = (email.EndsWith("'")) ? email.Substring(0, email.Length-1) : email;   // remove ' at the end of the address

        // STEP 1   - No '@' symbol in Email
        if (!email.Contains("@"))
            error = "Email contains no '@' symbol.";
            return "";

        // STEP 2   - More than 1 '@'symbol in Email
        if (email.Split('@').Length > 2)
            error = "Email contains too many '@' symbols.";
            return "";

        // STEP 3   - No .com, .co.uk at end of addresses
        //          - Invalid characters ()<>,?/\|^!"£$%^&* ??? in address
        Regex _regex = new Regex(@"^[-\w._%+']+@[-\w.]+\.[\w]{2,4}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        if (!_regex.IsMatch(email))
            error = "Email address appears invalid.";
            return "";
        return email;
        error = "Unknown error with email address.";
        return "";